Siren Horn (AC)
is a modular amplified speaker system that was designed specifically for outdoor use. It comes with two types of horn drivers: tweeters and woofers, each powered by an individual amplifier channel.
The Siren Horn was created by Doctor Vox as a safety precaution against pirate attacks. If it sounds too close for comfort, then it probably is - use the Siren Horn to help keep everyone safe!.
What would happen if an AC unit could be powered by energy harvested from the atmosphere around it?. The Siren Horn is a concept AC unit that harnesses atmospheric thermal energy. This design has several benefits over traditional units such as being more efficient and being cost effective.
Specifications- Measurements - 8.5 x 5 x 2
- The Siren Horn (AC) contains an amplified cone horn design, which creates a sonic blast meant to stun predators into submission and drive them away from livestock without harming them.
- The Siren Horn AC operates on two AA batteries and is designed to operate off-grid when there are no AC outlets available
- Sound Level (dB): 112 dB
- Speaker Type: 360 degree wide angle tweeter
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