300watts solar street ufo lights.
300watts solar street ufo lights.
The latest craze has hit town and it doesn't require any cords or outlets. 300watts solar street ufo lights don't require any power source other than the sun to provide ambient lighting around your house all night long. Have you used 300watts solar street ufo lights?. Solar Ufo Lights are the newest solar powered street lighting ever! You asked for it and now Solar Ufos are here. With high power efficiency and long lasting LED lights, Solar Flat Lamps from Surya will give you an extra touch of elegance to your curb appeal.
Solar Street is the perfect light for your home or business! Its small, lightweight frame is easy to install and includes wall brackets for the permanent mount or carabiner clip for portable use. Solar Street comes with 3 super-bright 1000 lumen LEDs, giving off a powerful 6000K color-changing beam that can be adjusted from warm to cool. A built-in timer allows you to set the brightness level to meet your need - bright during the day, dimmed at night; or it can be used both ways! The power indicator makes it easy to check your battery life while away.
These solar powered UFO lights are perfect for outdoor use, festivals, and more. These lights have an integrated solar panel which powers the light when exposed to sunlight. Equipped with a built-in rechargeable lithium battery backup and equipped with led lights, these devices will provide hours and hours of continuous illumination.
- Illumination Time:12-14hours
- Cell Type: Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
- Charging Time (H):5-6hours
- Usage:Garden/Street
- Voltage:3-6V
- Solar Panel Power:6V 22W
- Battery:20000mA
- Wattage:300W