Aclas ETR Machine
Having trouble finding thread?
No longer! Introducing the Aclas ETR Machine, a cutting-edge device that will allow you to quickly thread your sewing machine. We adore how simple our Aclas ETR Machine is to operate!. Our equipment can simultaneously scan barcodes, check stock levels, print receipts, and update pricing tags in a matter of seconds. This old model, which has been around since the early 2000s, is replaced by it. Tell us about the current projects you're working on, and we'll suggest the best equipment for them.
This revolutionary new machine will change everything. Designed by the Aclas Corporation, this device allows anyone to do away with their old equipment and start anew!. What are you waiting for? visit luthuli.com today for more information on how this machine could change your life forever.
* Compact Design
* Alphanumeric Operator and Customer display
* High Speed Thermal Printer
- Graphic LCD operator display for easy operating
- Patented raised keyboard.
- Can work as a calculator, operating arithmetic on the keypad directly.
- Energy saving system
- Can be connected to barcode scanner
- Auto -alarm for Low Battery voltage to remind of immediate charge
Want to take the guesswork out of applying face masks? This nifty machine does all the work for you!