Phelistar Digital TV Aerial + Free Cable Clip
Have trouble with your digital TV signal receiver? Worry no more, we’ve got this digital TV aerial, just for you! This antenna is UHF and VHF signal receive enabled which means it helps your decoder or your digital TV receive extremely clear digital signals within your area. Just connect the antenna to the a pole or on the top of a high point on your building (pro tip: the higher the better) and position it facing the mask signal distributor then use the accompanying coaxial cable to link the aerial to your decoder or digital Tv and at once perform a scan on your TV/ Decoder and enjoy clear sound and video quality. Yes, it’s that easy. What are you waiting for, get yours now!
Operating Frequency 470-794MHz - receive DTV/VHF/UHF signal
Reflectors - 50% more gain area for VHF signal, more space designed to reduce wind resistance.Best in the market
Elements - More elements for best gain on UHF signal
Enhanced weatherproofed material
Receive more than 60 channels in High quality video and audio